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上传者:   加入日期:06-09-05


一、 回答问题
1. A. It’s Wednesday.  
B. It’s a dine day today.  
C. It’s October 1st.
2. A. two time a day  
B. this time yesterday    
C. three times a day.
3. A. My father likes coffee  
B. Neither, thanks 
C. Coffee is better than milk.
4. A. It’s sunny.    
B. it’ll be rainy    
C. it rained yesterday.
5. A. Buy souvenirs  
B. Take photos.   
C. A and B.
6. A. When the light is green  
B. When the light is red 
C. When the light is yellow.
二、 对话理解
1. A. Once   B. Twice    C. Three times.
2. A. Eleven  B. Thirty-one    C. Twenty
3. A. Leaning Tower of Pisa.   B. The Great Wall   C. Statue of Liberty
4. A. 4:49      B. 4:55   C. 5:01
5. A. Lucy   B. Bob    C. Lily.
6. A. 2       B. 5       C. 7
7. A. on foot  B. by bike   C. by bus
8. A. drink some water  B. have a rest   C. take some medicine
三、 短文理解
1. Why did Mrs. White go shopping?
A. Because she wanted to buy something
B. Because she wanted to sit next to the old woman.
C. Because she wanted to take away the old woman’s money.
2. Who had a handbag?
A. Mrs. White    B. The old woman
C. Both Mrs. White and the old woman
3. When was Mrs. White sure that her money had been taken away?
A. When she found the woman was sitting next to her.
B. As soon as she saw the money in the old woman’s handbag.
C. When she found her own bag was empty.
4. Why did Mrs. White take the money from the old woman’s bag herself?
A. Because on one was watching her.
B. Because she didn’t want to call the police.
C. Because she needed money to buy a hat.
5. Which of the following is true?
A. The old woman had taken away the money.
B. Mrs. White didn’t take her money with her.
C. Mrs. White had taken back her money.

一、 回答问题
1. What’s the date today?
2. How often do I take this medicine ?
3. which would you like, a cup of coffee or a glass of milk?
4. What’s the weather like today?
5. What do people often do when they go on a trip?
6. When is safer for you to cross the street ?
二、 对话理解
1. W: Have you been to France before ?
M: Yes, I went there in 1998, 2000 and 2003.
Q: How many times has he been to France?
2. M: Hello, Mary, when and where were you born?
W: I was born in England in 1985.
M: Then when did you come to China?
W: When I was eleven years old.
W: How old is Mary now?
3. M: What are you busy doing, Sandy?
W: I’m packing.
M: Why”
W: I’m leaving for New York to have a two-week holiday.
Q: What is Sandy going to visit?
4. W: What’s the time by your watch, John?
M: Five to five. But My watch is six minutes fast.
Q: What’s the time now?
5. W: What were you doing when Bob arrived , Jim?
M: I was talking to Lucy and Lily.
Q: Who came last?
6. M: May I borrow some CDs from you, Mary ?
W: Yes, but I’ve already lent two to Alice. Now I have only five left. Here you are.
M: Thank you.
Q: How many CDs does Mary have?
7. M: Hi, Miss Wang. You came to work on foot today, didn’t you?
W: Yes, I did.
M: You usually come to work by bike.
W: That’s right. But my bike is broken now.
Q: How does Miss Wang usually come to work?
8. W: I don’t feel well.
M: What’s the matter?
W: I have a bad cold.
M: Really? You should take some medicine.
W: OK. Thanks
Q: What does the man tell the woman to do ?
三、 短文理解
Mr. White gave his wife ten dollars for her birthday. So the day after her birthday, Mrs. White went shopping. She got on a bus and sat down next to an old woman . A after moment, she found the old woman’s handbag was open and inside it there were ten dollars. She then thought the money was very much like her own.
Mrs. White quickly looked into her own bag, and found there was no money at all. Now she was sure the old woman had taken away her money. But she didn’t want to call a policeman, so she decided to take back the money and say nothing about it. She looked round the bus. No one was watching her. Then she carefully took out the money from the woman’s handbag and put it into hers.
She got home that evening, and showed to her husband a new hat.
“How did you pay for it?” he asked.
“Well, you gave me the money for my birthday, and I bought the with it.”
Her husband then asked her to see the ten dollars on the table and said, “What’s that then?”
 1. A   2. B   3. C   4. B   5.B


 牛津英语八年级听力练习资料三 06-09-05

 牛津英语八年级听力练习资料二 06-09-05

 牛津英语八年级听力练习资料一 06-09-05


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