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牛津译林版英语七年级上Unit1 Integrated skills教学设计
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牛津译林版英语七年级上Unit1 Integrated skills教学设计
A Meeting my new friends
Step 1 Lead-in
1. Draw a picture of Millie.
T: Boys and girls, do you still remember Millie? We know her from reading of this unit. Let’s draw a picture of her. She is 12 years old and she has short hair. Let’s compare our pi cture.
2. Review Millie’s classmates.
(1) Finish a passage about Sandy.
Sandy: She is ______. She is ______ and _______. Her hair is _______. She wears glasses. She likes ________.
(2) Finish a passage about Simon.
Simon: He is _______. He is ______. He likes playing ________.
(3) Finish a passage about Daniel.
Daniel: He is _______. He is ______. He wears ________. He is good at ______.
Step 2 Presentation
1. Explain the new words in the text.
(1) Teach new words by showing some pictures.
T: Millie is 12 years old. Her age is 12. (Teach the ne w word “age”.) What does she love?
She loves reading. So her hobby is reading. (Teach the new word “hobby”.) Millis is lovely. Her looks are cute. (Te ach the new words “looks” and “cute”.)
(2) Read these new words after the teacher.
2. Read and answer.
T: Millie has many new friends at school. She wants to tell her mother about her new friends. Here is a conversation. Let’s look at the profiles below and circ le the correct answers in the table.
3. Listen and answer.
(1) Ask some questions about Kitty.
T: Millie has two good friends. One is Kitty. The other is Amy. This is Kitty. After listening, please answer some questions.
a. Is Kitty’s hair long or short?
b. Are Kitty’s eyes big?
c. What does Kitty love doing?
d. Is Amy’s hair long or short?
e. Are Amy’s eyes big?
f. What is Amy good at doing?
(2) Complete the rest of the table on Page 13.
(3) Listen again and finish exercise A3 on Page 14.
B Speak up: Glad to meet you.
Step 1 Learn the dialogue
1. Listen to the conversation and answer the questions below.
(1) Which grade is Andy in?
(2) How is their school?
2. Listen again and finish the true or false exercises.
3. Read the conversation together.
4. Make up a dialogue.
T: Do you want to make friends with Kitty and Amy?
S: Yes.
T: Here is a short dialogue helping you how to make friends with t hem.
Step 2 Consolidation
1. Work in groups.
Give students several sentences. Let the first student ask the second all the questions on the screen. And the second asks the next. See which group is the fastest.
2. Watch and sum up.
T: If you want to greet a new friend, how to say? Let’s watch a video and try to find the greeting words and sentences.12283577
3. Make up similar conversations and act it out.
T: Imagine a very famous person come to our school, such as Yao Ming or Jay Zhou. You want to make friends with him or her. Work in groups. Make up a similar conversation.
V. Homework
1. Try to say something about your best friend;
2. Try to meet a new friend and talk in English.

资料名称: 牛津译林版英语七年级上Unit1 Integrated skills教学设计
文件大小: 83K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津7AUnit1
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