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7A Unit1 Comic strip and welcome to the unit教学设计
上传者:   加入日期:16-11-07

牛津译林版英语7A Unit1 Comic strip and welcome to the unit教学设计
Comic strip
Step 1 Lead-in:Enjoy the video “make friends”.
T: Today we’ll learn Unit 1 This is me! Do you like the song in the video? We are now new students at Chen Tao Middle School, and meet many new classmates. Do you want to make more friends? I’d like you to meet two new friends in our books. Do you want to know them?
【设计意图:由视频再到图片make friends引出不同人物 的名字。】
Step 2 Presentation
1. Learn some new words
(1) Show some pictures of the two cartoon characters.
T: Look at the dog. His name is Eddie. Do you have a dog at home? If you have a pet dog, you are the master of the dog. You should look after it every day. And this is Hobo. They are our new friends.
(2) Learn more about the words by showing more examples.
2. Watch the video between Eddie and Hobo, and answer the following questions.
T: Now let’s watch a video between Eddie and Hobo. Please watch carefully and answer the questions below.
(1) What are the two dogs’ names?
(2) Who is the master?
(3) Is Hobo a real dog?
(4) Is Hobo happy in Picture 1? Why?
(5) Is Hobo happy in Picture 4? Why?
3. Listen to the tape and follow in chorus. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.
4. Fill in the blanks of the passage, and check the answers.
5. Read the conversation in pairs. Encourage students to add some facial expressions and body language if necessary.
6. Demonstrate the conversation to the whole class.
T: Great! Now I’d like to invite some pairs to come to the front and role-play for u s. Who wants to have a try?
【设计意图:通过图片呈现导入生词和短语,引出comic strip对话。通过问答、填空和朗读让学生理解漫画内容并加以巩固。】
Welcome to the unit
Step 1 Presentation
1. Show pictures of the six students at Sunshine Middle School, and introduce their names.
2. Read their names together.
3. Show more pictures about these students in part A, and show how to greet people at different time.
4. Finish Part B and read together.
5. Read the three conversations in Part A together.
Step 2 Practice
1. Listen to the conversation in part C, and answer the question.
Who are the two girls in the conversation?
2. Repeat after the tape, and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.
3. Work in pairs. Greet your partner and then introduce yourself. Use the conversation below as a model.
A: Hello./Hi./Good morning …
B: Hello./Hi./Good morning …
A: I’m … /My name is … What’s your name?
B: I’m … /My name is …
A: Nice to meet you.
B: Nice to meet you, too.
Step 3 Consolidation
Translate these sentences into English.
1. 我爱电子狗。 I love e-dogs.
2. 你叫什么名字。     What’s your name?
3. A: 你是埃迪吗?     Are you Eddie?
B: 是的。     Yes, I am.
V. Homework
1. Read the new words and dialogues;
2. Finish Exercise One.(课课练)

资料名称: 7A Unit1 Comic strip and welcome to the unit教学设计
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版本年级: 牛津7AUnit1
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