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牛津译林版英语七年级上Unit1 Grammar教学设计
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牛津译林版英语七年级上Unit1 Grammar教学设计
Step 1 Lead-in
1. Listen to a self-introduction by Millie.
T: Hello, boys and girls. Now we make six new friends with the students from Sunshine Middle School. Millie is one of them. She’s introducing herself. Let’s listen to her.
2. Show “am”, “is” and “are” in the passage.
T: Pay attention to these circled words. Millie uses a lot of “am”, “is” and “are” to talk about her friends and herself. In fact, “am/is/are” are different forms of the verb “be”.
Step 2 Presentation
1. Presentation of the simple present tense.
T: In English, the verb “be” is also called the linking verb. It has three different forms: “am”, “is” and “are” in the simple present tense. We use one of them according to the different forms of subjects. We can use “be” to talk about the fact and the present state. For example, I am from Binhai Her hair is long. We are happy. Different subjects have different forms of the verb “be”.
2. Present the three forms of the verb “be”: am, is, are.
(1) Present when to use “am”, and how to use “am”.
(2) Present when to use “is”, and how to use “is”.
(3) Present when to use “are”, and how to use “are”.
3. Make a conclusion about the proper usage of the three forms of “be”.
4. Play a game.
Present different subject forms in a short time, and ask students to tell am/is/are as quickly as possible. (you, he, my brothers, his friend, our parents, Lucy’s cat, I, her teachers)
5. Present the usage of the negative forms with the verb “be” in the simple present tense.
6. Present the usage of the question forms with the verb “be” in the simple present tense.
【设计意图:逐个单独呈现知识点并加以强 调,再以朗朗上口的口诀形式使学生迅速掌握并记忆,最后以小练习巩固成果。】
Step 3 Practice
1. Finish Part A on the textbook.
(1) Fill in the blanks
T: Millie has some pictures of her new classmates and her teacher. Complete what they are saying with the correct forms of the verb “be”.
(2) Check the answers.
(3) Read together.
2. Finish Part B on the textbook.
(1) Fill in the blanks.
(2) Check the answers together.
T: Millie is talking to her new friends. Complete their conversation with the correct forms of the verb “be”.
(3) Read together.
Step 4 Summary
1. Make a conclusion.
Show a rhyme to help students grasp the usage of the simple present tense.
T: Boys and girls, today we have learned something abou t the verb “be” in the simple present tense. Do y ou still remember the three forms? What are they? When do we use them? Let’s read the following rhyme together.
2. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the verb “be”.
Step 5 Activity
Introduce your new classmates.
T: Boys and girls, now we make friends with our new classmate s. Would you like to introduce your new friend to other classmates and make more new friends? Here is a table about the personal information. Try to ask and get the relevant information to fill in the blanks. Then make a report to introduce your new classmates. When you make your report, try to use as many “be” as possible. You can talk about the following things: name, age, school, class, grade, birthplace, looks, hobbies and strong points.
【设计意图:在熟悉本单元Reading章节内容的基础上,口头问答个人信息并填写表格,介绍新同学,以实现教学内容在语境中真正的灵活运用,让学生收获和分享成功 的喜悦。】
V. Homework
1. Revise the usage of the simple present tense;

资料名称: 牛津译林版英语七年级上Unit1 Grammar教学设计
文件大小: 157K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津7AUnit1
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