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Ⅰ. 听句子选图画
1. The Olympic rings are a symbol of Olympic Games.
2. My uncle is going to row this afternoon.
3. You can throw the ball into the basket with one hand.
4. Michael fell down and hurt his leg yesterday.
5. Ann spends half an hour exercising in the gym every day.
. 听句子选答语
6.  May I ask you some questions, Miss Hu?
7. Which do you prefer, singing or dancing?
8. Kate has a bad cold and she can’t go to school today.
9. I hope your team will win the soccer game.
10.Shall we meet at the Wanlv Garden at 8:00 tomorrow?
. 对话理解
11. M:Ann, do you like Dingding or Jin Chi in the Voice of China?
W:  Mmm, I don’t  like them at all. I like Wu Mochou.
12. M:Where’s my ruler?
W: I don’t know. I just saw a pen and a knife on the desk.
13.  M:Your X-rays show it’s nothing serious.
W:  Great! Thanks, doctor.
14.  W:What’s wrong with you, Sam?
M:  My stomach hurts because I ate too much ice cream just now.
W:Poor you! Shall I take you to the hospital?
M:  No, thank you. I’ll go home and have a rest.
15.  W:Kangkang, what are you going to do this afternoon?
M:  You know, Michael asked me his birthday party tomorrow, so I’m going to buy a present for him in the afternoon.
W:That’s great! He saked me to his party, too. Shall I go to the shop with you?
M:  Why not?
. 短文理解
   There are many ways to keep in good health. Maria thinks walking is good for health. Her home isn’t far from school, so she goes to school on foot every day. Tina thinks running is better than walking, so she runs every morning before breakfast. However, Sally believes they’re both boring. She dances after school every Monday and Wednesday because she thinks it’s interesting. Most boys love sports. For example, Bruce is interested in table tennis while Peter enjoys soccer very much. But their friend Bill likes swimming. He swims every Saturday. What do you do to keep healthy?


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