主题:牛津译林版英语七年级上Unit1 Reading I教学设计




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牛津译林版英语七年级上Unit1 Reading I教学设计
Step 1 Lead-in
1. Show the picture of Hermione, a character from the movie series Harry Potter. And present ne w words and phrases by showing her profile.
2. Match the words and phrases with the meanings.
3.Make a conclusion about how to introduce a person: name/age/birthplace/appearance/hobby.
Step 2 Presentation
1. Show pictures of the six students and tell their names.
T: Eddie and Hobo are our new friends, and we have some other friends from Beijing Sunshine School. Do you still remember them? They are Millie, Simon, Kitty, Amy, Sandy and Daniel. Would you like to know more about them? Now let them us read the text on P8.
2. Watch the video about Millie, Simon, Sandy and Daniel, and finish the exercises of Part B1.
Step 3 Detail reading
1. Read the passage together with the video and answer questions about Millie.
(1) How old is Millie?
(2) Does she like reading?
2. Show the profile of Millie, and ask students to retell Millie’s self-introduction.
Millie: a new student at … /12 year s old/have short hair/love reading
3. Boys read the passage about Simon together, and finish the true or false exercises.
(1) Simon is short. (F)
(2) Simon likes sports. (T)
4. Show the profile of Simon, and ask a boy student to introduce Simon with the help of t he key words.
Simon: tall/like sports/play football after school
5. Girls read the passage about Sandy, and answer questions.
(1) Is Sandy tall and slim?
(2) Does she like music?
6. Show the profile of Sandy, and ask a girl student to make a report about her.
Sandy: tall and slim/long hair/music
7. Read the passage about Daniel together and fill in the blanks of a short passage.
Show the profile of Daniel, and make a report to introduce Daniel.
Daniel: Nanjing/short/Maths
8. Exercise.
Read the whole passage together with the tape, and finish the exercise of Part B3.
T: Boys and girls, we know a lot about the four students. And Mr Wu is writing about his new students. Let’s help him finish the report.
Step 4 Practice
1. Play a game “welcome to Hogwarts School”.
T: Have you watched Harry Potter? In the movie, we can find our new friend, Hermione. She is a new student at Hogwarts School of Witchcrafts and Wizardry. And do you want to know more about her friends in the movie? Welcome to Hogwarts School. Each group can choose a number. Behind the number you choose, there’s some information about one of Hermione’s friends. You can discuss with your partners. And then one student in your group should make a report to introduce him or her.
Harry potter: 15 years old/short and thin/brown hair/wear glass/clever/like sports/be good at magic
Ron Weasley: 15 years old/red h air/blue eyes/be from the UK/play chess/brave and helpful
Dumbledore: principal/tall and thin/long white hair/blue eyes/music/nice and kind
2. Make a report to introduce yourself.
T: Today we meet so many new friends, from Millie to Daniel at Sunshine Middle School, and from Hermione to Harry Potter at Hogwarts School. Let’ come back to our school. Here are some sentences about yourself. Please finish these sentences with your own informat ion. And try to make a report to introduce yourself to your classmates. If you need any help, you can discuss in pairs.
My name is _________.      I am a new student at ________.    I am _______years old.
I am from ______ __.        I am _______.                   I have ________ hair.
I love __________.          I am good at ________,
V. Homework
1. Write a passage to introduce your new classmate ;
2. 《课课练》


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